Turkey produced crops worth TL 135.2 billion ($37 billion) in 2017, a 15 percent rise over the previous year, the country's main statistics agency said yesterday.
Crop production includes growing vegetables, cereals, fruits and spices, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).
The value of cereals and other crop products increased by 19.6 percent to TL 55.5 billion, the value of fruit, beverage and spice crops increased by 16.1 percent to TL 45.9 billion, and the value of vegetables increased by 6.8 percent to TL 33.8 billion in 2017 when compared to 2016.
Prices for wheat, chickpeas, sunflowers, potatoes, rice, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, olives, grapes, cherries, green tea and lemons increased, while prices for lentils (red), onions (dry and fresh), garlic, apricots and hazelnuts decreased.
The largest price increase was for chickpeas at 48.4 percent, while the price for dry onions slipped the most at 25.7 percent.