Let us examine the war on economic interests behind the developments that have been taking place in the Palestinian territory since 1947, in consideration of the centuries-old spiritual meaning of Jerusalem for the three Abrahamic religions.
First of all, keeping in mind the geographical definition I gave in Wednesday's column, we should note the centuries-old war and struggle under the title of "Jerusalem" is about "Afro-Asian" hinterland. Had the Ottoman Empire, which dominated an area of 5.2 million square kilometers, maintained its domination over "Afro-Asian" hinterland - which has been the production center and trade corridor of the world - for another two centuries, the Turkish economy would have already reached $3 trillion in size.
Asia and Africa are retrieving the title of being a "global production and trade center," which had been taken away from them through colonialism and the Industrial Revolution for two centuries. And this unavoidable rise in "Afro-Asian" hinterland will bring the size of the Turkish economy to $3 trillion as it deserves.
The British Empire on which "the sun never set" paid the price for its failure to overcome economic troubles that it had been facing since the early 20th century by transferring the leadership of capitalist system to the U.S. with the Atlantic Charter that was signed on Aug. 14, 1941.
Assuming the role of the new leader of capitalism, the U.S. established a new global economic-political order under its own control, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) becoming the economic leg of this order and the United Nations and NATO becoming the political and military leg of it.
The U.S. became the "boss" of new opportunities in the "Afro-Asian" hinterland and it had to control Anatolia, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula, which are located along this trade corridor.
The current process started with Britain's decision to withdraw in 1948 and the declaration of the Israeli state. Although we are reacting to U.S. President Donald Trump's declaration today, Jerusalem was actually announced the capital of Israel as a result of a law enacted by U.S. Congress under Bill Clinton's administration four years after the end of the Cold War.
This step is a direct move toward "Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Architecture." Moreover, it is an operation aimed at hampering the "Afro-Asian" initiative to be led by China, India, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico - namely the Emerging Seven (E7) - regardless of the Group of Seven (G7) which is led by the U.S.
The "Jerusalem" issue is an operation that avoids leaving the economic opportunities of "Afro-Asia" hinterland, which represents an economic size of $22 trillion and will reach $193 trillion by 2050, to the E7 group - including Turkey. Let us note that Turkey is struggling not only for historical spiritual and divine rights, but also for the development of 5 billion people in an "inclusive" way.
Struggle against 'globalist understanding'
A certain number of people from business, art, bureaucracy and political circles in all G20 countries defend the phenomenon of "globalism" in the name of bringing a homogeneous structure to ideas, practices, beliefs, values, foods, products, laws and almost languages.
Even though some of these people who favor globalism are well-intentioned and think that "homogeneous modernism" is better for the world, what underlies their seemingly good-intention is a great and secret mass which exploits these people in a ferocious way and has rather malevolent and dangerous goals.
This is such a malevolent and dangerous structure that it hates the national sovereignty of countries. One of the most important points that makes this structure dangerous is an effort to force, and if necessary threaten, world communities and countries to accept the globalism as a "belief system."
However, in the face of globalism, which is a kind of reflection of post-modern imperialism, E-7 countries, including Turkey, are struggling for technological leaps and inventions extending from steam engines to jet aircrafts, from books to satellites, from light bulbs to chips and from telegraph lines to the internet. They are struggling for a new "inclusive" and "global" economic order that will reduce the distance between the people of the world and will enable everyone to benefit more from opportunities on an equal footing.
We should view the process extending from 2006 to the ongoing Reza Zarrab case in the U.S. from this perspective. Obviously, all leading countries that are making an effort to create "national consciousness" are under attack by media outlets and diplomatic institutions and think-tanks that are under the control of "globalists." Moreover, dangerous structures such as the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), which infiltrate the bureaucratic and judicial institutions of the countries under attack, are conducting operations to "have the inside track." It will be good to view the "Jerusalem" issue from this perspective.