Trump kicks CNN reporter out of press conference for questions on migrants

The feud between Donald Trump and CNN reached a new level Wednesday as the U.S. President kicked the news channel's chief White House correspondent out of a press conference for persistent questions on his recent migrant comments.

CNN's Jim Acosta's questions came after Trump's reported comment of "shithole" countries when speaking about Latin American and African migrants, angering many throughout the world. The president also said that he prefers migrants from Norway, which has far better living standards than the U.S.

During a Q&A session of the press conference with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev at the Oval Office, Acosta asked: "Mr. President, did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway?"

Trump was already thanking reporters, signaling the end of the press conference, when he responded: "I want them to come in from everywhere, everywhere."

While a female White House aide was trying to wrap up the session, Acosta asked: "Just Caucasian or white countries, sir, or you want people to come in from other parts of the world, people of color?"

This was the tipping point for Trump, who said: "Out."

Following the conference, Acosta took to Twitter and claimed that other staff in the White House later shouted in his face to prevent him from asking questions.

"As I attempted to ask questions in Roosevelt Room of Trump, WH press aides shouted in my face to drown out my questions. I have never encountered that before," he wrote.
