Time difference between Turkey, US decreased by one hour
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The time difference between the U.S. time zones and Turkey decrease by one hour as Daylight Saving Time (DST) began in the U.S. on Sunday.

DST started in the U.S. at 2 a.m. local time [7:00 a.m. GMT], when Americans turned their clocks forward one hour. The change subtracted one hour from the current time difference between Turkey and the U.S.

The time difference between Turkey and the U.S.'s Eastern time zone is now seven hours, instead of eight -- in cities such as New York, Washington DC, Atlanta and Miami.

In the Central time zone, in cities such as Chicago, Dallas and New Orleans, the difference is eight hours, instead of nine.

For cities like Albuquerque, New Mexico; Denver and Salt Lake City, instead of the 10-hour difference with Turkey, it is nine hours.

For cities in the Pacific time zone such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, the 11 hour difference is 10 hours.

The time difference between Alaska and Turkey has decreased to 11 hours from 12, while it will be set back from 14 to 13 hours in Hawaii.

The new time differences will be in effect until November 3 when the U.S. will end observing DST.