Photo project captures dire state of Turkey's Salt Lake

The possible extinction of Turkey's most significant natural heritage site, Tuz Gölü (Salt Lake), is being displayed at Galeri Işık. The decade-old project was launched by photographer Salih Güler who, for the past three years, has also been assisted by several professional and amateur photographers. The exhibition, named "SALT-TUZ," is a photo series documenting the lake's past and present conditions.Despite being a Special Environmental Protection Area, a First Degree Natural Protected Area and an important ecosystem for birds and plants, the Salt Lake faces serious drought risks due to erroneous and irresponsible use. The exhibition "SALT-TUZ" demonstrates the long-term changes in the lake.The cooperative project by Salih Güler and fellow photographers has created an exhibition that details the extent of the risks. Wildlife and artifacts in the Salt Lake have been captured through the lenses of different photographers at various points over the 10-year period."SALT-TUZ" will be also a source of education for the younger generation, who are our future, while also bringing attention to one of the country's most important natural heritage sites. Income generated from the exhibition will be used toward a scholarship for students.The "SALT-TUZ" exhibition can be viewed at FMV Galeri Işık Teşvikiye until Nov. 19.