'Two Hands, One Brush' open to visitors at Taksim Art Gallery

Consisting of 40 works created by 40 Syrian and 40 Turkish children, the exhibition "Two Hands, One Brush" is open to visitors at the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Culture, Inc.'s Taksim Art Gallery.

A total of 80 children aged 10 and 11 paired up to paint their happiest memories for the exhibition. Consisting of 40 works created by the children, the exhibition will run until May 22.

First became brothers, then created artwork

The Intercultural Brotherhood and Arts Project of "Two Hands, One Brush" aims to help Turkey's immigrant children overcome problems relating to self-confidence and offers coping mechanisms for overcoming fears associated with being a stranger. Their aim is also to help Turkey's children who are exposed to hate speech regarding Syrian refugees yet do not have the ability to comprehend the concept of immigration.

The project aims to overcome the prejudices against Syrian children that Turkish children face, while helping young migrants to develop a sense of belonging.

Former projects conducted with 86, 130 and 96 Syrian and Turkish children, revealed that childhood friendships can overcome the barriers of language and nationality. Now, children have come together for the third time at this exhibition.

A total of 80 children met under the auspices of the project, taking part in various psychodrama plays that were carefully selected along with art activities during their first day. These activities help children develop relationships regardless of their differences, thanks to several grouping and pairing activities.

The Turkish-Syrian duos were paired up and asked to think about a happy moment and paint a common work through decisive teamwork. The children communicated with the help of volunteer translators.