Ara Güler's photos on digital display at historic Istanbul district

Ara Güler, the internationally acclaimed Turkish photographer who devoted his life to his art, has some of his lesser-known works displayed at the "Ara Güler Digital Photography Exhibition," which opened on Dec. 23 at the Digital Display Center in Taksim Square, in Istanbul's Beyoğlu district.

The exhibit, held in line with a series of events marking 2019 as the "Year of Ara Güler," commemorates an artist who left his mark on many. The event is being held by the Communication Ministry.

According to the statement issued by the Communication Office, the showcase is set to display various unknown aspects of Ara Güler's life and works, as well as shots that have never been seen before from an extensive archive covering a total of around 2 million photographs.

Throughout the course of his photographic career, Ara Güler captured hundreds of world-famous figures, imbibing each of his portraits with a unique sense of meaning. He was voted one of the world's seven best photographers by the U.K.-based "Photography Annual Anthology."

The legendary artist's unique lens can be enjoyed through digital holograms and three-dimensional visuals, displayed alongside photographs from key moments in Ara Güler's photographic career, documenting famous artists and politicians, as well as places of historical and religious significance he succeeded in shedding light on across the world.

The exhibition will run until Sunday, Dec. 29, and can be seen from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.