Cristiano Ronaldo's wax figure placed to Madame Tussauds Istanbul
An artist works on the wax figure of football star Cristiano Ronaldo, Istanbul, Türkiye, Nov. 29, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Merlin Entertainments)

World-famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo's wax statue has been brought to Istanbul's Madame Tussauds permanently after being on display in New York.

The wax figure of the famous star met with its fans 10 days after its launch in New York. The museum was flooded with visitors on the first day, while the fans waited in long lines to take a photo with the figure.

The wax figure of Cristiano Ronaldo on display at Madame Tussauds Museum, Istanbul, Türkiye, Nov. 29, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Merlin Entertainments)

"Our museum embarked on its journey with 55 figures and has now reached 71 with Ronaldo's. Soon, Turkish actress Tuba Büyüküstün will be joining our family," the statement by Madame Tussauds said.

The creation process of the mold that was shaped took around 170 hours. Adding the hair, eyelashes and eyebrows one by one was completed in 140 hours.

Ronaldo who previously viewed the wax figure said: "Is this made of wax? You must be kidding. Its face is also incredible. It's like there are two Ronaldos!"