Here's how to disable Netflix's annoying autoplaying trailers
Netflix's auto-playing previews are one of its most annoying features. (iStock Photo)

Netflix has too long been plaguing us with trailers that automatically play while we're browsing for something to watch and this is all the more annoying when we are all stuck at home due to the coronavirus.

You remain idle for a little too long or your cursor hovers over a film and then suddenly a trailer begins playing – even if you don't want it to.

But the video streaming service at last has an option that leaves it up to the user whether the trailers should start automatically or not.

To turn autoplay off, you need to log in to Netflix in your browser, open the menu, go to "Manage profiles" and click on the profile you want to edit.

There you can then enable or disable the option "Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices."

The new setting may take some time to take effect, Netflix says. If you've absolutely had it with autoplaying previews, however, you can force the update to happen immediately by switching to a different profile and then logging back into the profile you actually want.