'South China Sea conflict can only be resolved through negotiations'
This handout photo, released by the US Navy on June 16, shows a Boeing EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft taking off from the USS John Stennis aircraft carrier at sea in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

Chinese Ambassador to Turkey Yu Hongyang stated that the conflict in the South China Sea can only be resolved if the parties make mutual negotiations. Providing detailed information about the reasons of the conflict in the South China Sea in a written statement, Ambassador Yu Hongyang said that to establish peace and provide stability in the world's busiest, freest and safest channel, the South China Sea is not only for China's benefit, but also for the peace and prosperity of countries sharing the shore border with the South China Sea and for the countries using the South China Sea. ''As a nation, we sincerely hope related countries take a firm stand on their constructive attitude, the conflicts get resolved by peaceful methods, by negotiating and consulting with the basis of mutual respect and understanding, that the peace and stability in South China Sea is jointly protected." he said.Drawing attention to remarks of the President of the Republic of China, Xi Jinping at the meeting of CICA Foreign Ministers on April 28, stating that China will always ensure the protection of peace and stability in the South China Sea, will protect the rights concerning sovereignty and related rights in the South China Sea and that China will support the solution of the problem by peaceful methods and friendly negotiations between the parties, Ambassador Yu Hongyang said: "Upon the announcement of the end up of arbitration, China's Foreign Ministry published, 'The Declaration to Support the Resolve of Conflicts Between China and the Philippines in South China Sea, by the Method of Mutual Negotiations.'Within this article, four main subjects are addressed. First of all, mutual negotiations to resolve the conflicts in the South China Sea are the mutual opinion and the undertaking of China and the Philippines. Secondly, no negotiations took place so far between China and the Philippines, concerning the application for arbitration by the Philippines. Third of all, the ex parte application for arbitration by the Philippines violates the agreement China and the Philippines, calling for the resolution of conflicts between, by the use of negotiation. Fourthly, China will keep on supporting the method of resolving the conflicts between China and the Philippines, concerning the South China Sea by mutual negotiations."