The millionaire club expands

The number of individuals with over one million liras in domestic permanent assets increased by 6,669 during the January to September period this year, reaching a total of 51,161 millionaires.

According to data from the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Agency (BDDK), the total number of individuals with assets increased by 960,691 bringing the previous figure of 51,860,132 to 52,820,823.

As of the end of this September, 50,867,097 people had over ten thousand liras in assets in the bank, constituting 96.3 percent of total asset-holders in the country.

Within this category, there were 3,394,927 people with assets ranging from ten thousand to 50 thousand liras, there were 1,333,789 individuals with 50 thousand to 250 thousand liras in assets and there were 226,306 people who had between 250,000 and one million lira in assets in the bank.

The number of individuals that had one million liras and above in assets during the January to September period of 2012 increased by 6,669 people compared to the same time frame the year prior reaching a total 51,161 millionaires from last year's 44,492 .

Out of the total 705,262,000,000 liras in assets, 46.5 percent at 327,795,000 liras belongs to those with one million liras or more.

The breakdown of assets and their owners for the Jan.-Sept., 2011 period and the Jan. to September, 2012 period are as follows:

January to September, 2011

Up to 10,000 liras = 49,509,780
10,000 to 50,000 liras = 3,220,016
50,000 to 250,000 liras = 1,237,921
250,000 to 1,000,000 liras = 201,575
1,000,000 liras or above = 44,492
Total = 51,860,132

January to September, 2012

Up to 10,000 liras = 50,867,097
10,000 to 50,000 liras = 3,394,927
50,000 to 250,000 liras = 1,333,789
250,000 to 1,000,000 liras = 226,306
1,000,000 liras or above = 51,161
Total = 52,820,823