126,000 families received electricity from garbage

Annual electricity for about 126,000 families was generated in waste storage facilities in Istanbul. Istanbul Environmental Management Industry and Trade Inc. (İSTAÇ), a subsidiary of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, put the Hasdal, Kömürücoda and Odayeri treatment and energy generation facilities into operation between 2001 and 2013 in an attempt to convert landfill gas stored in the facilities into electrical energy.

The Hasdal Landfill Site Energy Generation Plant and the Odayeri Treatment Facility generated electricity of 2 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity, while the Odayeri Energy Generation Plant and the Kömürücoda Energy Generation Plant produced electrical energy of 34 MW and 14 MW installed capacity, respectively.

The Hasdal Landfill Site Energy Generation Plant produced 383 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity last year, while the Odayeri Treatment Facility, the Odayeri Energy Generation Plant and the Kömürücoda Energy Generation Plant produced 11,944 MWh, 239,363 MWh and 96,644 MWh electricity, respectively, adding up to a total of 348,232 MWh last year.

Considering that a four-member family consumes 230 kilowatt-hours (KWh) of electricity on a monthly average, these facilities produced annual electricity for about 126,000 families.

Landfill gas is generated through the anaerobic decomposition of wastes stored in solid waste landfill sites. The formation of the gas varies in proportion to the amount of organic wastes in the solid waste. In addition to being flammable and explosive, landfill gas has a greenhouse gas effect that is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide gas. Landfill gas must be collected and disposed of using proper techniques to eliminate its harmful effects.

The management of landfill gas controls the flammable and explosive feature of the gas and prevents its adverse effects on human health and the environment. The collected landfill gas can be used as energy and for natural gas recovery through purification. In this way, it is also possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.