Antalya prepares for G20 Summit

Energy and Natural Resources Minister Ali Rıza Alaboyun said the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEİAŞ) has invested TL 60 million ($20.9 million) in Antalya, which will host the upcoming G20 Summit, to satisfy the city's increasing electricity requirements for the next five years. Alaboyun stated that the investment has boosted Antalya's electricity supply security, which becomes critical during the tourism season when the city needs electricity badly. Alaboyun added that the investment was quickly finalized in order to avoid any disruptions to the electricity supply during the G20 Summit. The 10th G20 Summit, which brings together representatives from the world's top 20 economies, will be held in Antalya on Nov. 15 and 16. In addition to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, leaders from China, the United States, the U.K., Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea and the EU will take part in the summit. The G20 Energy Ministers' Summit was hosted by Turkey and chaired by Alaboyun in October.