Turkish national fighter jet on the way

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) General Manager Muharrrem Dörtkaşlı said they hope that negotiations over an agreement to produce a national fighter will be finalized in the first half of 2016, when criteria for the fighter jet design will be finalized in cooperation with the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM). Dörtkaşlı spoke to Anadolu Agency about the current phase of the national fighter jet project, dubbed Turkey's "Dream Project," and the road map that will be pursued from hereon. He said that the project will be a completely unique one and its final design has been reduced to three different models as a result of dozens of studies.According to Dörtkaşlı, a final decision has yet to be made as to whether the fighter jet will be a single-engine or double-engine - which will affect its geometry and design. The fighter jet project went through a concept phase which encapsulated the identification of requirements and the minimization of risks. TAI is holding talks with SSM over a switch to the design phase. Studies on the design of the fighter jet will be elaborated after one of the three existing models is selected. The subsystems to be used in the fighter jet design will be national to the maximum extent. Also some ready-to-use subsystems might be localized to be used in the fighter jet in the future.