Betrayal, resistance main theme of film competition

The biggest betrayal and resistance movement in Turkish history will be documented via short films as part of the "Betrayal and Resistance: July 15 International Short Film Competition" organized by Istanbul's Çekmeköy Municipality."Betrayal and Resistance: July 15" has been chosen as the theme of the second edition of the short film competition hosted by Çekmeköy Municipality. Short films portraying the resistance of the people of Turkey against a group of traitors attempting military coup will be submitted at the international competition. The organizers of the competition aim to tell the world what happened on July 15 via cinema films and make the legacy of the epic resistance of the people of Turkey permanent by documenting the events that took place on the day of the failed coup attempt.The jury of the "Betrayal and Resistance: July 15 International Short Film Competition," which is a project by Çekmeköy Municipality Mayor Ahmet Poyraz, is composed of directors Mustafa Şevki Doğan and Mesut Uçakan, sociologist Erol Erdoğan, renowned actors Turgay Tanülkü and Hakan Boyav and journalists Metin Yüksel and Meryem İlayda Atlas.The films will be selected by an advisory committee and pre-selection group before being evaluated by the jury. The films are judged by the jury and will receive their awards at the award ceremony that will be held on July 13, 2017. The film that comes first will receive TL 30,000 (approximately $8,000) while the second place winner will receive TL 20,000 and the third will receive TL 15,000. The film that wins the Ömer Halisdemir Special Award will receive TL 12,000, while the Jury Special Award winner will be awarded TL 10,000 and the mansion award winners will get TL 5,000 each. The competition will grant a total value of TL 112,000 in prize money to the filmmakers.Digital fiction, animation, documentary and experimental films that focus on the theme of "Betrayal and Resistance" directly or indirectly to the terrorist coup attempt on July 15 and last no more than 15 minutes are eligible to be summited to the competition. Applications to the competition can be made via until June 2. Applications will be finalized once the application form is filled, the conditions of contract are approved and the films are uploaded to the website by the filmmakers. A total of 50 films to be selected by the pre-selection group will be presented to the jury of the international short film competition. An evaluation will then be made under the five main titles of script, directorial, editing, camera light and the film's title. The films found worthy for a prize will be chosen by the jury.Commenting on the competition, Çekmeköy Municipality Mayor Poyraz said: "They [the coup plotters] did not know this nation. They did not know this country. They could not take this flag from us. That night [July 15], people stopped those tanks, bombs and planes. That night, people flocked to the streets following the footsteps of their forefathers in the Battle of Gallipoli, Dumlupınar and the Turkish War of Independence. The people of Turkey showed collective resistance against the terrorist coup attempt on the night of July 15, 2016. Our countrymen understood the games played upon the fate of our country and stood in front of tanks and cannons. The Turkish nation made history fighting against those who threatened their future with the power they cultivated from thousands of years of history. Bravery took place all over our country on July 15."The 2nd Çekmeköy International Short Film Competition aims to make the stories of valor and resistance permanent by documenting the events that took place on July 15 via short films. Since the competition is an international event, the short stories will enable this story of betrayal and valor to be interpreted from the perspectives of filmmakers. The project's goal is to enable filmmakers to tell their stories with the theme of 'betrayal and resistance' from socially, culturally and artistically different perspectives."