Monday evenings reserved for German cinema
A still from the film u201cZwischen den Stu00fchlen.u201d

The Goethe-Institut Istanbul and Beyoğlu Cinema have collaborated for screenings of German movies including "To be a Teacher" and "Doomed Love: A Journey through German Genre Films," to be screened on March 12 and 26 respectively.

'Zwischen den Stühlen'

Anna, Katja and Ralf are facing two tough years. While they have completed the theoretical period of their education, they are now facing the pedagogic practice. The internship period brings together various conflicts as they both need to achieve success as educators and students. "Zwischen den Stühlen" (To be a Teacher) may teach the viewers a lot of new things since the profession of teaching has changed majorly since. It is very hard for these three candidate teachers to reach their targets on the first try and impossible for them to complete this process without questioning their faith in the education system and shedding some of their dreams. "To be a Teacher" received the Best Documentary award in 2016 given by Goethe-Institut.

'Verfluchte Liebe deutscher Film'

A brave, enlightening, surprising and sharp documentary, "Verfluchte Liebe deutscher Film" (Doomed Love: A Journey through German Genre Films) includes many details and evaluations of a very short period in New German Cinema, which is almost forgotten, in order to offer a discussion space. What makes the movie interesting is director Dominik Graf's references to the history of German cinema, traditions and the conflict between highbrow and lowbrow art. Graf focuses mostly on names such as Roland Klick and Klaus Lemke, who are already mostly forgotten today. The movie offers a critical review of the German cinema of 1960s and 70s. The movies are free and have Turkish subtitles.