The alliance of the virtuous

In his famous speech at the American University in 1963, the American President John F. Kennedy outlined his vision of peace with the following words: "The United States … will never start a war… This generation of Americans has already had enough … of war and hate and oppression. We shall be prepared if others wish it … But we shall also do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just." Nick Clegg, the British deputy prime minister, called for the suspension of arms sales to Israel. Clegg also called for the recognition of Hamas as a legitimate political partner and called on Israel to start direct talks with it. His call was taken up by two prominent Western leaders. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson called on the U.N. to hold Israel accountable for its actions in its last assault and appealed for the lifting of the 7-year blockade of Gaza. This alliance of the virtuous is likely to maintain its momentum.A similar alliance is emerging against the ISIS terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria. States, tribal and religious leaders and regional organizations are coming together to protect Iraqi Shiites, Yezidis, Christians and others against ISIStarget="_blank"'>The issue-based coalition of the defenders of the weak is likely to continue to grow and challenge the unjust and destructive policies of the strong. This is a good thing for the world and should be supported by all regardless of political differences.