US wages war against itself

The incompetent Obama administration emerged as a result of the preceding Bush administration. Afghanistan and Iraq were left irreparably traumatized by American occupations. The illegality of those military occupations became clear as the allegations concerning Saddam Hussein's possession of chemical weapons turned out to be unfounded. Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State, reacted harshly against the unlawful and illegitimate plot that appeared to have been developed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Coming to power under such difficult conditions, Barack Obama's foreign policies were extremely timid and hesitant, similar to the post-Vietnam war approach; hence, the incapability of the Obama administration.Just as the Obama administration emerged as a reaction to the extremes of the Bush administration, Donald Trump's administration emerged as a reaction to the irresolute policies of the Obama administration.During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump asserted that he would only work for the interests of the U.S. Trump repeatedly argued that the U.S administration's actions as a global power policing the world's problems has condemned the American people to poverty. Therefore, Trump promised that he would prioritize American economic interests in the international arena. After he was elected president, Trump vowed to: Nullify the Asia Pacific Trade Agreement, urge the member states of NATO to increase their defense spending and to demand Germany's financial contribution to the alliance. By emphasizing the infrastructural needs of the U.S., Trump declared that he would reconstruct the country from scratch. In response, the prime minister of Japan promised that they would spend $50 billion in infrastructural investments in the U.S.While the hyperactive policies of Trump, which emerged as a reaction to the passive policies of the preceding Obama administration, contradict the traditional perspectives of the Republicans, several Republican politicians have already raised red flags against some applications of the fresh Trump administration.As a phone call between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull threatened to develop into a diplomatic rift between the U.S. and Australia, the leaders of the world seem to be waiting for Trump's phone calls anxiously. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is suffering from the unofficial relations between the U.S. and Russia.While Trump repeatedly declared that he would nullify the infamous nuclear agreement with Iran by denominating it a "terror state," many political observers argue that the agreement with Iran cannot easily be nullified.During the presidential campaign, Democrats and the mainstream American media succeeded in portraying Trump as a "mad man." In the end, not only did the Democrats lose the presidential election, but the great advertisement agencies, famous political advisors, research institutes and the global media were also defeated by Trump, who motivated the American electorate in his favor. Today, all of those institutions and political elites are struggling to keep pace with the new situation.Traditionally in the U.S. senior staff in the White House move to work in lobbies when their political party loses the presidential election. Yet, Trump prohibited the lobbying activities of former senior White House staffers in Washington.Contrary to his successful presidential campaign, Trump could not establish a strong Cabinet. Several names in the new Cabinet seem to contradict the president.What's worse, Trump has serious xenophobic and Islamaphobic tendencies. American Jews are anxious about the rise of xenophobia as it might breed anti-Semitism in the U.S.In a word, the U.S. continues to be shaken by recent political developments.