Armenians should accept Erdoğan's olive branch

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a bold move by extending an olive branch to Armenians all over the world when he offered his condolences over the sad incidents experienced by their ancestors in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.About the incidents that occurred during the start of the 20th century in the Ottoman Empire, Erdoğan said, "May the Armenians who lost their lives in these events rest in peace," and "We extend condolences to their grandchildren."The prime minister also stressed the importance of showing understanding about the fact the Armenians commemorate their losses and it is our duty to share in their grief.But he did stress that all other citizens in the Ottoman Empire suffered during the same era, which is a way of saying Turks suffered losses at the hands of the Armenians as well.This statement shows the voice of reason and the maturity of the Turkish state. It shows the strength of the Erdoğan administration and its self-confidence.The statement of the prime minister will of course be strongly criticized by the opposition, especially conservatives and the nationalists of all kinds, but such a statement was necessary and long overdue.It should be regarded first as a part of the bold democratization campaign of the government to open up to the Kurds and other ethnic groups. It should also be regarded as a foreign policy move to show to the West this government is serious and will take the necessary steps on the Armenian issue that befits a civilized country. But it also is a message to those who try to build up a case against Turkey with the "genocide" narrative.The Armenians have to see that there is a serious olive branch being extended to them by Turkey and grasp it. That means the Armenian majority has to find a way to pacify the diehard extremist elements of the Armenian diaspora. Can they do this? Can the supporters of the Armenians in the West, especially the honorable members of the American Senate, see this?