Russians testing NATO and Turkish air defense capabilities

Russian involvement in Syria is getting deeper with fighter planes and helicopter gunships attacking Syrian groups opposing Bashar Assad's regime. So it seems the Russians are becoming more and more aggressive as the West fails to respond to their actions in an appropriate manner.The Russian fighters violated Turkish airspace twice on Oct. 3 and Oct. 4. An announcement by the Turkish Armed Forces on Tuesday said MIG-29 jets and air defense radars harassed eight Turkish F-16s on a patrol mission over Turkey's southeastern skies by locking on to the planes for over four minutes.In the past, Syrian planes and missiles were a potential threat to Turkey. Yet, with the Patriot missiles sent by NATO countries and the superior air power of Turkey the Syrians were pacified. They used their air assets to kill their own people in their thousands.However, the Russians saw that the opposition was about to knock out the Assad regime and thus they stepped in. They brought their air force into Syria and have been using it against all groups opposing Assad while they claim they are attacking targets of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).It is clear that the Russians wanted to test Turkey's, and for that matter NATO's, air response capacities as they violated Turkish airspace and locked on to our fighters with their missile defense system and fighters.The Russians would not be so naive as to issue such a blatant challenge to Turkey and NATO. They are of course aware of Turkey's military capabilities as well as the NATO defense systems that are backing Turkey. But it is clear that they want to test our resolve as well as our capabilities and response levels on the spot.The Russians are involved in an adventure that could really hurt them in the long run. President Vladimir Putin should realize that such adventures have cost his country dearly in the past. Just look back at what happened in Afghanistan and you can get the picture. They did not only lose a war against the Afghan fighters but their defeat was one of the elements that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Here in Syria, they are in foreign territory surrounded by an alien environment. NATO is there, Israel is there and Turkey is a formidable opponent.It is obvious that the Americans are extremely unhappy with what the Russians are doing and have thus started to talk about a series of measures. This means the opposition may be provided with air defense capabilities that may pose a threat to Russian MIGs.The Russians tested Western resolve in Ukraine and became bold in their actions when they realized the West was reluctant in taking them on. But Syria is a different case and the threat to the West is deeper. You only have to look at the growing flood of migrants threatening Europe's stability to understand the depth of the problem.The Russians may threaten everyone with cutting off gas supplies, but they too will go bankrupt if they can't sell energy to Turkey and the West.