So why shouldn't Turks feel anti-US sentiments?

Those of us who feel deep affection for the supreme values that have been established by the founding fathers of the United States of America will be heartbroken as they see these values being disregarded by some of their great, great grandchildren. We see the double standards being applied in the two-faced manner in which Turkey is being treated in Washington. So unfortunately it is no surprise that the ordinary Turk who has not been very sympathetic toward the U.S. in the past few decades is being joined by those who actually had some form of fondness for the Americans. It is true that when you go to Washington you realize that the issues that are so dear and important to us in Turkey are secondary and at times trivial for those running the U.S.

However, as Bill Clinton pointed out in a speech in Ankara when he was president, he used to enter the Oval Office in the White House every morning and look at the globe and would see Turkey sitting there in the middle of an area regarded as a geostrategic treasure and cherish the good relations he had with the Turkish administration.

It is clear that some of the actions of American officials in recent times, as well as today, tend to suggest that some do not share this contention in Washington and see their interests elsewhere and they are doing everything in their power to strengthen claims in Turkey that the Americans are working overtime to create a Kurdish state in the Middle East that will also cover a chunk of Turkey.

The Americans keep on telling us they want to preserve the territorial integrity of Iraq and yet they have done and are doing everything to help the disintegration of this country and have always been in contact with the PKK Kurdish separatist terrorists holed up in the northern Iraqi mountains fighting a secessionist war against Turkey. Those secessionist terrorists have now moved out of those mountains and with U.S. help are trying to grab a role in Northern Iraq, much to the anger and concern of Masoud Barzani's Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Irbil. Those secessionist terrorists who have created bloodbaths in Turkish towns and cities in southeastern Anatolia have also moved into the north Syrian regions and have terrorized Kurds there just like the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has done for several decades and have created their own administration under the Democratic Union Party (PYD). The PYD and PKK suddenly became treasured by the Americans, who used them in the fight against DAESH as a land force. Now the Americans and the Russians are cultivating the PKK and its affiliate PYD to create a Kurdish zone in northern Syria, much to the distaste of Ankara, which sees its vital interests being violated by our big brother "ally" Washington.

President Barack Obama's envoy in the fight against DAESH, Brett McGurk, visits the Kurdish town of Kobani over the weekend and is portrayed in very friendly photos with PKK and PYD officials. This is the same U.S. that declared the PKK a terrorist organization. Now we can see that they were not sincere and everything they did was done halfheartedly so that they would be able to use our bases and other assets for their own interests. It is also the same France and Britain that also sent envoys to Kobani with McGurk that is supposed to be fighting terrorism together with us.

Washington denied it but their very own CNN showed how Americans set up bases in northern Syria to help the PYD when they were telling us they were not cooperating with these people. What would the Americans do if there were fatal activities by third parties across the border in Mexico that not only threatened the vital interests of the U.S. but also threatened the territorial integrity of their country and the lives of Americans? Can Barack Obama, Joe Biden or the American ambassador in Ankara explain this?

DAESH is a menace that we all have to fight against. But this does not mean we can do this by using terrorists against them and pretending these are "good" terrorists. Turkey made a great effort to bring the PYD into its fold and help it severe its ties with the PKK but they refused. So now Turkey has every right to finish off the PYD as well as the PKK.