Terrorists recruit US mercenaries

YPG and PYD killers backed by the U.S. administration have the potential to spread beyond Syria and pose a threat to Western countries

It is no secret that the U.S. Army is churning out hundreds of ex-servicemen who become "private contractors" that are then deployed in conflict zones around the world.

At first the fact that these servicemen are being hired by American defense contractors looked innocent and normal, but then it led to "reckless killers" being sent to sensitive zones around the world to commit atrocities and serious human rights violations.

We saw what companies like Blackwater can do in Iraq; now, we are seeing what private contractors are doing in Afghanistan.

But in recent years, the issue has taken a dangerous turn as the U.S. allowed its servicemen to join terrorist groups like the PKK and its offshoots, especially in Syria.

What the CIA is doing to assemble a force of ex-U.S. servicemen to topple the Venezuelan regime remains to be seen.

This all boils down to state-sponsored terrorism.

Now there is talk that the U.S. will be recruiting a new American company to bring ex-servicemen to Syria and thus create a mercenary army that will fight Iran alongside the forces of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the People's Protection Units (YPG), which are both offshoots of the PKK terrorist organization. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Washington, Turkey and the EU.

It is no secret that several American ex-servicemen have joined the ranks of the PYD and YPG in northern Syria along with other foreign recruits from Western Europe. They were in Afrin but were flushed out by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA); however, they are all over the areas controlled by the PYD and YPG east of the Euphrates. They serve alongside American soldiers sent to the area by the Pentagon and use the heavy arms provided to the PKK, YPG and PYD by Washington.

They were supposed to be in Syria to get rid of Daesh but now that the terrorists have evaporated into thin air, they have turned their attention to the military presence of Iran in the country.

These are trained killers who have no regard for human values, just like the terrorists they are helping. They commit atrocities, kill civilians, have no regard for the rule of law and are devoid of all human feeling. They are a danger not only to us and our region, but also to the security of ordinary Americans. Can anyone feel safe when these people are running loose in the streets of the U.S.?

Sooner or later these people will return to the U.S. and to Western Europe where they will become a challenge to society. That is why many governments in Western Europe have now turned their attention to these mercenaries who are returning from Syria.

It is time the U.S. also displayed such sensitivity. Americans cannot unleash such killers around the world and threaten world peace. It is one thing sending your army to bring peace to various parts of the world; it is something else entirely to let loose trained killers and assassins and threaten innocent lives.