Do our European friends know about the parallel structure?

Dec. 17 was the first anniversary of the coup attempt against the democratically elected government on the grounds of corruption allegations. Let's briefly go over what happened in the past year. Just after the Dec. 17 operation, another operation was attempted on Dec. 25 to detain many people, including some family members of then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, 40 owners of large corporations including the contractors of mega projects such as the third Istanbul airport as well as dozens of journalists. However, since eight days had passed from the first operation, the government recovered from the first shock of the incident and had a chance to act more calmly.Consequently, the state was better prepared for the second operation that was conducted as a raid by placing three independent and irrelevant investigations in the same category, which was hidden from their superiors. This was an operation in which even the prosecutor's indictment was ready even though the suspects had just been detained. This indictment referred to Erdoğan as "then prime minister." Moreover, the evidence that was put forward was not even analyzed.The public felt sure that these operations, which coincided just before the three successive elections and conducted by a parallel clique within the judiciary and police department were not only a matter of corruption, but actually constituted a coup attempt to block the elections. As a result, Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) came through the presidential and local elections with great success.In this period, some investigations and operations were initiated against the "parallel structure." Erdoğan's two offices were wiretapped, encrypted telephones were tapped and many politicians, businessmen, artists, sportsmen and models were illegally wiretapped and imprisoned with false evidence. At the period when the parallel structure was dominating the judiciary and police department, thousands of Kurdish politicians, opponents and journalists were imprisoned. They gained their freedom as the power of this structure weakened.Most recently, on Dec. 14, some alleged members of the parallel structure were detained. It seemed that a plot set by judiciary and police against a religious group critical of Fethullah Gülen, namely the Tahşiye group, unraveled. According to claims, bombs and weapons were placed in the houses of this religious group's leaders during the search. Some fingerprints belonging to police officers were detected on the bombs and one of them involved in the raid acknowledged that. Mehmet Doğan, the leader of the group, was imprisoned on the grounds of having ties with al-Qaida and he waited to appear in court for exactly 17 monthsWhen we consider the data revealed after Dec. 17, 2013, we can see that the parallel structure founded a police state by exploiting the coup cases, and goes after every group that does not surrender to them with the judiciary and police force. A vast majority of the public supports the Dec. 14 and other operations since they do not wish to see another domination regime.In the latest detainments, the maltreatment observed during the dominance of the parallel structure is not being displayed. People are invited to testify. Those wishing to turn the incidents into a show do not surrender and the police's detainment process is being turned into a show.However, we know that the parallel structure hastily detained even an 80-year-old cancer patient at 3:00 a.m. and some defendants such as Kuddusi Okkır died in jail. We also know that they raided newspaper buildings, and the military officers who remained helpless in the face of such a conspiracy committed suicide, just as Ali Tatar did.Can a democratic country remain a mere spectator to such a cancerous tumor? Our European friends should study these details more carefully before giving early reactions. Otherwise, they might be embarrassed.