We can all win in a multipolar world

The G20 summit, closely monitored by the entire world, is over. We can say that the conclusion of the summit and the talks on Turkey were quite promising. One of the primary gains was the perspective adopted to enhance trade cooperation between Turkey and the huge market of China. It hoped that the trade volume between Turkey and China will reach $50 billion in the short run and $100 billion in the long run. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's article titled "Turkey, China share a vision for future" published in the Global Times put in a nutshell the significance of this process: "Let us remember that your investments in Turkey will be a commitment to the world's 16th largest economy with 82 million young and dynamic citizens as well as our nation's hinterland with 1.6 billion people and a $24 trillion gross national product. Most importantly, an investment in Turkey is an investment into the BRI [the Belt and Road Initiative] and our dream of building a future together."

The results of Erdoğan's talks with Donald Trump, the President of the U.S., which is another superpower in the G20, were also positive.

We can say that the tension created between the two countries by the purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system by Turkey, a NATO member, has largely been overcome.

The following remarks by Trump signal that a more rational line will be followed between Ankara and Washington from now on.

"… So we get along great [with Turkey]. But what happened with Turkey – and I will tell you when it's fair and when it's not fair. He [Erdoğan] wanted to buy the Patriot missile. President Obama's group said no. He kept wanting to buy it. They kept saying no, no, no. Couldn't buy it. Now, he needed it for defense. He needed it. So, he then went to Russia and he bought the S-400. Made a deal to buy it because he couldn't get it. They wouldn't allow him to buy it. They wouldn't allow it. This administration, meaning this administration previous to mine, would not let him buy it."

Trump then continued "in the meantime, he bought over a hundred F-35s... I think he bought 116… And there's options for more. And now he wants delivery. He's paid a tremendous amount of money... So now we have breaking news. 'Donald Trump loves Turkey. He loves Turkey. Donald Trump is on the side of Turkey instead of the United…' No, I'm not. I love our country, but I have to tell you, President Erdoğan, who has done – he gave me our pastor [Brunson] back... So, you know, he's been – from my standpoint – and he's a tough guy… I think he [Erdoğan] was unfairly treated, where you were told you can't have it, and then after he bought another system, we said, 'We'll sell it to you. We'll give it to you right away.' But he couldn't use it then. But by that time, he had already bought the plane."

Following the municipal elections, where the opposition gained major achievements and in which democratic functioning was fortified, there is a four-year election-free period ahead for Turkey.

The combination of this predictable process in the country and moves toward global cooperation at the G20 summit have gratified the markets a lot.

Here's to hoping that the spirit of the latest G20, which signaled that the unipolar world will switch to a pluralist one, will suppress global warmongering, since this is the most reasonable option for all of us. We can all win.