What will happen in Greece?

The economic crisis in Greece is deepening by the day as the Greek policymakers are getting ready to sit on a table with eurozone leaders to discuss a new deal following the referendum

A total of 61 percent of Greeks voted no in Sunday's referendum that was held to decide whether the country would pay its debts to the EU. In other words, the Greek people, who are drifting with the tide of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, manifested that they do not want to pay their country's debts, which they call a "democratic" and "honorable" act. Is it a democratic act to applaud an order that is based on consuming what others produce and to pocket the borrowed money? Does honor mean obtaining things without any effort or cost? Is it good leadership to wear a white shirt and to incite people? I think the socialist prime minister wants to bring his people to a level of poverty equal to his ideology. Regardless of whichever part of the world the socialist mentality has come to power for a hundred years, it has fizzled out, and a statist mentality has always impoverished the countries further.So what will happen in Greece now? Will the EU and Greece break away from each other? On the one hand, Tsipras seems to be challenging the EU and on the other, he wants to come to the table with the EU once again. Greek Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis, who raised eyebrows in the EU, stepped down soon after the referendum results were announced, in a manner like making a gesture to Brussels. However, Greece's intention is to make the EU extinguish its debt, which is an intolerable request. Will this not stir other countries that are indebted to the European institutions, such as Spain, Portugal and Italy to make the same request? This would bring about the financial collapse of the EU. The failure to reach an agreement means that Greece's cash shortage will grow further. So the country has to immediately take action to attract money from other markets. This will definitely have a negative impact on the EU's internal balances. Therefore, the overwhelming no vote does not include any good. Indeed, unstable and wrong governments as well as a consumption-driven model played a major role in Greece coming to this point. The Greek people were made to enjoy the prompt cash provided by European institutions and the Greek state made its people lazy by showing scarce things as if they were abundant. While the Germans wake up at 5:00 a.m. to produce things, the Greeks emerge from taverns and go to sleep in the same hour. Certainly, this is not a fair picture. After a while, the fact that big, strong European states financed poor states has come to divide Europe into two as producing and consuming countries. Financing states, justifiably, say "enough" to this situation. At this stage, Greek people strive to transfer the money that is left abroad. That is why the socialist government has closed banks in a mad rush and brought down withdrawal limits. This practice, which violates basic human rights, will not stop capital outflow. Unfortunately, unless a reasonable and constructive step follows the no vote, all the money will flow out from Greece and all the country's talented and brilliant minds will leave the country. For a country's economic life, capital is as crucial as water for agricultural land. No matter how fertile the land is, you cannot harvest anything without water, and you become poor.No one should take shelter behind such excuses as EU or German imperialism on the Greek issue. Although I personally criticize German state policies in certain areas, Germany is completely right on the Greek issue. It is an out-and-out lie that big European countries exploit Greece. As I said above, Greece has exploited other European citizens. It produced no economic values and transferred incredibly high amounts of money to itself by glorifying its products. The result of all this, which escalated into a big problem, are hanging over the people like dark clouds. A leftist government that tries to hush up this picture is striving to produce a heroic story from this unwieldiness and free-rider attitude.