What does the EU want from Turkey?

The EU already has many problems, and it is evident that Greece cannot cope with their economic crisis. It will continue to pose a great problem for the EU as long as it cannot resolve its economic problems. Also, Greece's withdrawal from the eurozone would not matter since it adopted the euro as its currency without deserving it, and the country has proved to be nothing but a problem for the EU Central Bank and eurozone up to this point. It will keep posing a problem regardless of whether it withdraws from the eurozone or not.Greece is not the only EU country suffering from an economic crisis. The list goes on if we consider the problems of countries such as Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Britain.Also, the security systems of Germany, the country that is regarded as economically stable, were intervened in by the U.S.-based National Security Agency (NSA). Germany's intelligence agency, the BND, seemingly has served the U.S. more than Germany in recent years. As Der Spiegel recently reported, the NSA has engaged in all kinds of spying activities, targeting both the EU and Germany by using the BND. Moreover, as part of these activities, which only leaked U.S. information; the British intelligence agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), also allegedly betrayed German intelligence in a secret cooperative operation named "Monkey-shoulder."These espionage operations, which leaked data to the U.S. and intervened in Germany's security systems, not only targeted terrorist organizations and military secrets but also targeted German and EU firms in the field of industrial espionage, which is of vital importance in terms of U.S. industry. Boeing's archrival Airbus, EADS, Siemens, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Deutsche Bank, Debitel, BND's main logistics supplier Rohde&Schwarz, Mercedes-Benz, MTU, ND SatCom et cetera all had confidential data of strategic importance that were leaked to the U.S.The German federal government and Chancellor Angela Merkel did not take measures, despite all the warnings down the years. Some sources in Brussels told me that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that the U.S. intelligence services engage in many activities in all the leading EU countries. I was not surprised. The problems of EU countries, including Germany, Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, are not limited to that.It cannot be said that they are successful in fighting terrorism. As was revealed during the course of the struggle against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), ISIS enrolled recruits from these countries. Despite that, these countries have not been able to take effective measures on this matter so far.The issue of refugees is another dilemma for the EU. The problem is getting worse day by day because the EU cannot cope with it. But this problem is actually caused by the EU itself. Since the EU did not take a stance against Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, the EU countries now face an ever-increasing population of Syrian refugees.If the EU had not remained indifferent to the suggestions of Turkey on this matter, it at least would not suffer from the problem of Syrian refugees now. The policy of "more battleships" against the refugee problem is actually destined to failure. The countries with a cruel colonial past, including Britain, France, Germany and Belgium are actually responsible for the current situation in Africa. As long as some EU countries do not provide enough financial support for the development of Africa and support dictators in many African countries, just like the Egyptian case, increasing military precautions with the decisions issued by the EU cannot resolve the refugee problem. In addition to all these, the parliamentary elections that will be held on May 7 in Britain, the country which did not sign the Schengen Agreement and did not adopt the euro as a currency, might also pose another problem for the EU. Although the elections seem like just a closely fought competition between the Prime Minister David Cameron and the opposition leader Ed Miliband, the main thing that arouses curiosity is the result Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), will receive. UKIP is an anti-EU, right-wing party expected to receive about 14 percent of the vote. May 7 might be the start of a process that would end Britain's EU membership, as Britain has so far only used the EU for its own benefits. However, in the midst of so many problems, why do the EU countries try to be at odds with Turkey?What is the problem some EU institutions and leaders have with Turkey? At the end of last month, they issued decisions and statements against Turkey by exploiting Armenians, who they do not actually care about.The intelligence services of the EU countries have begun to be visible in Turkey recently. Some fake "environmental backpackers," "Islam experts," "those fond of the Kurdish issue," "journalists" and "tourists," who we are all familiar with after Gezi coup attempt, again appeared on the scene on May 1 at some locations in Istanbul. These people, who act as intelligence members and journalists at the same time, did not leave their hotel rooms in various provinces, including Istanbul and Diyarbakır, before and after May 1. What bothers the EU countries about Turkey?Is it due to the fact that more than 55 percent of voters in Turkey have voted for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in all the democratic elections he has ran in so far? If those democratic elections really do upset the EU, does the EU not contradict its most sacred values?It is important to ask some particular EU countries what happened when you supported anti-democratic circles that want to return to the former Turkey, only to prevent Erdoğan at the Gezi Park incidents, the Dec. 17 and Dec. 25 operations, March 30, 2014 local elections and the Aug. 10 presidential election? Evidently, the EU and some EU countries still cannot learn their lessons. And now they engage in various activities with their backpacker teams to bring chaos to Turkey, sabotage the reconciliation process, and prevent the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) victory with the perception operations targeting the voters on the eve of June 7 elections. To this end, they do not hesitate to cooperate with illegal groups such as the parallel structure, those trying to form a deep state in Turkey, those wishing to introduce a coup regime by violating democracy, and those advocating terrorist organizations - the organizations they banned in their own countries.But all these efforts are in vain.The people in Turkey observe all these anti-democratic activities with repulsion. They will reinforce its democracy once again by casting ballots.The public antipathy towards the EU and some circles in the EU is increasing day by day, because the EU is disturbed by Turkey's democracy and is constantly trying to undermine the country.If the EU's real target is to evoke such antipathy, then well done! It was really successful in this task.