No need for an EU that does not respect human life

The United Kingdom is constantly wavering between staying as an EU member or not due to its national interests. With its position similar to a "poor African country," Greece understands that being an EU member does not have any appeal anymore. Let alone setting an example for the rest of the world, the EU is now the most disputed institution even within its own borders.But the saddest part is that despite all the problems and crises in the EU, prosperous people of the rich continent turn their back against the rest of the world in an atmosphere where they live in good standards within the borders of the EU. EU countries, which gathered last week before honoring World Refugee Day, repeated what they have done for years and did not issue a decision on a mutual refugee policy. It is ridiculous but they could not even agree on the relocation of only 40,000 refugees.Egotism has reached its peak in the EU.The countries that were not EU member and whose citizens did not have the right to move freely in the EU until recently act "more royalist than the king" now since they are the leading countries that do not favor hosting refugees. The refugees leaving Africa in piles on the most insecure boats arrive in Italy or Spain if they are not caught by the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. Particularly Italy is the country that hosts the greatest number of refugees in the EU and it tries to cope with this problem on its own, left alone by other EU members.However, EU countries play the main role in causing the people in Africa and Middle East to leave their lands.Only two weeks ago, EU member Germany welcomed Egypt's fascist dictator, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, with a military ceremony. However, this person welcomed by Germany with a ceremony as a very important guest of the state is the one who overthrew democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi in a military coup and condemned him to death through the courts he controls. He is a coup leader who is a dishonor to humanity. But Germany seems to have forgotten all the EU values since Siemens cooperates with this dictator and his regime on some major projects.France must also be pleased with selling war supplies to Egypt's dictator. The violated human rights in Egypt seemingly disturbed neither Germany nor France. If people run away from Egypt and seek asylum in EU countries today, the only reason for it is the EU's Egypt policy that contradicts its own values.The situation is also the same for Iraq and Syria.Is it not the EU and some particular EU countries that are in a battle of domination in the region responsible for the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) by supporting the one-sided Shiite government in Iraq for years. Do these EU countries, which almost ignored Sunnis and Turkmens for years while forming good relations with Shiites and Kurds in Iraq, have the right to complain when a small part of the refugees who feld their country due to the war in Iraq headed to the EU? Is the EU not the one that did not exert any effort in overthrowing the Syrian dictator, President Bashar Assad, by suggesting that he plays a major role in the fight against ISIS?If those demanding democracy had been supported when people in Syria revolted against the dictator, maybe Syria would be at peace now. EU countries remained indifferent when Turkey made a call to save the Syrian people from the tyranny of the dictator. Today, the EU is also responsible for the situation of the people in Syria who struggle to survive between ISIS, Assad, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its People's Protection Units (YPG), the last two of which are the Syrian wings of the Turkish PKK terrorist organization.All the experts on terrorism around the world agree that the PYD and YPG are at least as dangerous as ISIS, but still, some EU countries openly support this terrorist organization.However, the refugees departing Syria do not only run away from Assad or ISIS, they also escape from the terror of the PYD and YPG. Is this the EU's understanding of fighting against terrorism?Or are there other secret categories that the world is not familiar with such as terrorist organizations that are hostile to the EU or allies of EU?On Saturday, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Antonio Guterres said Turkey sets an example for a world where so many borders are restricted. "The U.N. Security Council is unfortunately not functional as the unpredictability and impunity have become a game in this world at war," he said, adding that the international community is insufficient in providing the required sources and preventing suffering. I wonder if any EU authority or EU member country took heed of his remarks.UNHCR special envoy Angelina Jolie also praised Turkey by pointing out that 1.8 million people were displaced in four years and Turkey has become the country hosting the greatest number of refugees by welcoming Syrians and Iraqis. But what does the European Parliament, which issues many decisions regarding Turkey based on groundless allegations, do for refugees other than talking?If the EU, which contradicts its own merits on the issue of refugees, does not conduct activities to harm Turkey, Turkey can be a land to protect more refugees and can support the Syrians resisting against terrorist organizations like ISIS, the PKK, PYD and YPG as well as Assad.Not only in Turkey, but also particularly in the Middle East, people are rightfully thinking that the EU has no benefit for them since it does not value human beings and supports dictators and terrorists, and they rightfully do not trust in the EU, which is bogged down with the policies it implements in Ukraine, the Middle East, Turkey and Egypt.