The US and EU must stop Russia

The U.S. and EU countries do not actually have the right to complain about the refugee issue, particularly about Syrian refugees.

Had the EU countries adopted Turkey's suggestions regarding Syria at least three years ago, they would not be facing an intensive influx of refugees now. Had EU countries backed up Turkey's suggestion of taking necessary measures by intervening in Syria jointly and supporting the opposition in order to make a democratic Syria possible without the tyranny of the dictator, President Bashar Assad, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) might not have emerged and spread to the territories it occupies today.

Had EU countries agreed with Turkey in forming a buffer zone in northern Syria where Syrian aircraft and helicopters would be banned, the outlawed PKK and its Syrian wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), would not have a chance to shed blood today. And most importantly, if EU countries had intervened in Syria by cooperating with Turkey, Russia would never have cooperated with Iran and attempted a dangerous venture in the region to protect Assad for the interests of itself and Iran.

If the U.S. and EU had acted in accordance with Turkey's suggestions before it was late, Russia would not have attempted its Syrian operation, which might result in a disaster reminiscent of the Soviet Union's fiasco in Afghanistan. If so, Russia would not find an opportunity to do that.

The current developments are a complete debacle for the U.S. and EU in terms of both the U.S.'s interests in the Middle East and the EU's regional interests with the influence of the growing refugee issue.

However, the EU experienced the Ukraine case, and thanks to this experience it knows very well what might happen if Russia is not stopped.

Russia has been bombing all the forces that oppose Assad with its aircraft only to sustain Assad's dictatorial regime in Syria. Even children do not any longer believe the myth suggesting that Russia conducts air operations targeting ISIS. Since the U.S. and EU left an authority gap in Syria and recently started to gradually lean toward Turkey's suggestions, Russia has initiated a second Afghanistan adventure-like operation in a rush, which might yield a pathetic result for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Taking courage from that, Iran is about to kick off land operations in Syria.

EU countries have already failed to cope with the refugee influx. The air operations Russia launched on the opposition is another reason that would lead Syrians to leave their country. Due to both Assad and Russia, which started to bomb Syrians, thousands are heading to the EU, fleeing their country.

And if Iran land units align themselves with Assad as expected, no chance will remain for Sunni Syrians to survive in their own country.

To sum up, Russia and Iran, which claim to be fighting ISIS, are actually battling the Sunni population, which comprises the majority of the Syrian population. Supporting Assad means bombing regions where Sunnis are predominant. If the U.S. and EU do not take a stance against Russia and a possible Iran intervention, they will have left the Middle East to Russia's control. Russia and Iran's attempt to inhibit Syria's right to determine its own fate by backing Assad means a serious threat to the U.S. and the EU, particularly in terms of energy resources.

As can be remembered, the Soviet Union's intervention in Afghanistan led to the Taliban.

Russia's so-called anti-ISIS intervention in Syria is likely to lead to the emergence of new terrorist groups resembling ISIS.

The fact that Russia and Iran only side with Shiites in the war would stir harsh responses among Sunnis in the Middle East. And terrorist groups such as ISIS have the skills to masterfully manipulate such a situation.

In other words, as long as the U.S. and EU do not say no to Russia at once and do not intervene in the region in line with Turkey's suggestions, the dimensions of the danger of terrorism will grow much graver. For the same reasons, the number of Syrian refugees heading to EU countries will rise from thousands to a few million. The EU already has enough problems since it has not done anything other than talking and has remained indifferent so far, pursuing biased policies such as not messing with those fighting ISIS. If they do not stop Russia now, which is urgently required, this tangle of problems will be irresolvable. We do not have any time to waste irresponsibly.