Öksüz no different than Ratko Mladic

The already strained relations between Turkey and Germany face yet another challenge after Germany's attitude towards the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) and its members caused ire in Turkey.

The German people are being misled on the matter. Since they are not familiar with the name, Adil Öksüz, it is rather easy for them to believe anything written on Öksüz.

Öksüz is a FETÖ point man, known as an imam within the terrorist group, who commanded the pro-coup troops during the July 15 coup attempt.

Being FETÖ's senior imam for the Turkish military, he received direct orders from FETÖ's U.S.-based leader Fetullah Gülen.

The ongoing legal proceedings have already proved that Öksüz, on behalf of Gülen, ordered troops to kill anyone resisting the coup on the night of the coup attempt. He was giving out orders at the Akıncı Air Base in Ankara, which was used as the putschists' headquarters.

All the defendants have so far regretted their actions and confessed they were following Öksüz's commands that night.

In many ways, Öksüz is no different from Ratko Mladic, known as the "Butcher of Bosnia" for ordering the slaughter of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995. Like Mladic, who was a self-proclaimed general, Öksüz is a self-proclaimed imam and both are murderers.

If Mladic had ever set foot on German soil, he would have been immediately arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague for trial. This raises the question as to why Germany does not display similar sensitivity concerning Öksüz.

Recently, there have been numerous reports that Öksüz was spotted in Frankfurt and Baden-Württemberg. Though not fully verified yet, even the suggestion that Germany hosts FETÖ militants will raise eyebrows.

Even though Mladic receiving asylum in Germany would be out of the question, what made Öksüz believe that he could get away with it by getting asylum rights in the country.

The German public must know that the FETÖ is no less dangerous than Daesh. As lies like Gülen represents moderate Islam is being propagated all Germany, questions like, what kind of a moderate Islamic mindset would attempt an atrocious coup, gather poor children from dozens of countries and raise them as militants, or force people to marry on Gülen's orders, remain.

Germany is involved in a dangerous ploy as it supports FETÖ only for the sake of opposing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Given Öksüz's track record, the choices are clear. He should either be extradited to Turkey or sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

FETÖ does not only cooperate with the regional terror groups such as Daesh, and the PKK, it also tries to exert its influence in many countries, by cooperating with various illegal groups in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

While Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands refuse to accept this fact, FETÖ continues its criminal activities by using these countries as bases and safe haven for its militants who fled Turkey.

The Russian intelligence agencies are aware of FETÖ's real intentions and have therefore long banned its activities in the country.

Unfortunately, I have regularly witnessed how FETÖ deceived a number of German politicians, many of who I know personally, by posing as a pro-peace Islamic organization while labeling those against them as radicals.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse in Germany after many former deputies have come to the point of defending Gülen.

Germany needs to open its eyes to the truth because by welcoming anyone from Turkey who claims to be a dissident will only put itself in harm's way.