The PKK terrorist organization is burning forests

In front of the entire world, the Amazon forest is burning. Since the first days of January, 80,000 forest fires have occurred. Brazil has not been successful at fighting these fires. Thus, at the recent G7 summit, at the suggestion of France and Germany, it was decided to send $20 million to help put out the Amazon forest fires.

At a time when humanity is concerned about global warming and similar reasons, the consequences of the destruction of nature due to forest fires affecting the Amazon and a wide range of fields is rather dire. This emergency makes interference necessary. The aid suggested at the G7 should also be mentioned at the United Nations and all necessary precautions must be made. Without international cooperation, we have seen that it is not possible for Brazil to protect these forests.

Unfortunately, forest fires are destroying trees, plants and animals not only in Brazil but also in many other corners of the world.

Faulty policies of countries, harm caused by people looking to profit from forests, failed attempts at taking cooperative preventive measures due to international conflicts, wars and high temperatures, are just a couple of the reasons for the fires.

There is another sad reality that we observe – the exploitation of forest fires as a means of fighting by terrorists.

The PKK, which has murdered countless people in Turkey confessed yet again that it is an enemy of "humanity and nature" by claiming responsibility for recent forest fires in Turkey, particularly the Aegean region for the last 1.5 months. The terrorist who scorched the forests through sabotages declared that they burned the forests and mentioned every forest fire that they caused: 25 forest fires between July 11 and Aug. 24 in these provinces – Edirne, Uşak, Balıkesir, Marmaris, Muğla, İzmir, Istanbul, Mersin, Manisa, Antalya, Çanakkale, Afyonkarahisar, Bursa and Aydın.

Due to the success of Turkey's war against terror and the PKK terrorist organization's inevitable defeat, with terrorist acts like these, the PKK is trying to give the message that "they are not defeated yet" and are harming Turkey's economy and nature.

Forest fires are easy for the PKK, which seems to have problems performing other acts. Due to the coming end of the terrorist organization and the dissolution it is suffering as a result, many terrorists have begun to surrender. To stop this organizational downfall, the terrorist group is sending its last remaining militants to cause forest fires when winds are the strongest, making the fires hard to quench. They don't care that they are endangering human lives. Yet again, the real face of terror is coming out. For terrorists, human lives have no value. By destroying habitats and the economic conditions of villagers who live under harsh conditions in forest zones, they are pushing these people to nothingness.

In addition, they are purposefully selecting areas where German, French, British, Belgian and Dutch tourists are staying to hinder tourism. I really wonder when the Europeans will realize that the PKK is not only a problem for Turkey, but also a big problem for humanity.

When will Europe realize the PKK has no relation to people of Kurdish descent?

Every passing day makes it clear that the PKK and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which has become its captive, does not want peace in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. PKK terror barons owe their existence to feeding on spilling blood, terror and chaos. Forest fires serve this goal.

How is it possible for the European Greens to support this terrorist organization, which is burning forests and destroying nature? It is impossible to understand.

How many more forests and the habitats of people must be destroyed by the PKK terrorist organization? Wake Up.