Turkish budget surpasses TL 7.2 billion in October

The central government budget had a surplus of TL 7.2 billion ($2.5 billion) and the non-interest surplus stood at TL 9.9 billion in October, according to the Finance Ministry's budget realization data.The budget deficit was realized at TL 6.2 billion and the non-interest surplus was realized at TL 41.2 billion between January 2015 and October 2015. Commenting on budget realization data, Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek said the government did not abandon fiscal discipline despite political uncertainties, weak trends in the global economy, financial fluctuations and geopolitical tensions, adding, "The fact that the general government balance will not have a deficit has further consolidated fiscal discipline and increased resistance to internal and external shocks. It helped control the higher revenues and budget expenses projected in the strong budget performance."