Outdoor Classroom Day lets kids get out

The Ministry of National Education instructed all schools across the country to get students outside for May 23 Outdoor Classroom Day. Students will play games and study outside the confines of the school on May 23.

In an official letter to schools that educate 1.6 million students throughout the country, the ministry asked school administrators to organize traditional street games on May 23 for the children to play.

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign. According to its website, its purpose is to get more children playing and learning outdoors at school and at home. More than 3.5 million children from around the world took part in last year's celebration of the day.

"Outdoor learning improves children's health, engages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature," organizers of the day say, adding that playing outside teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity to children and also central to children's enjoyment of their childhood.

The ministry urged schools to organize activities prioritizing playtime on that day outdoors. The event will extend throughout the week as well with educational information provided to parents and teachers through a series of conferences on the importance of playtime for children.