Top election body reveals deputy numbers for constituencies

Turkey's High Election Board (YSK) has announced the deputy numbers for each constituency in accordance with population statistics. Istanbul will elect 88 of the total 550 deputies in the June 7 parliamentary elections.This number was 85 deputies in the June 2011 parliamentary elections.Turkey's capital and second most populous province, Ankara, will elect an additional deputy to the parliament compared to 2011, with 32 deputies. It is followed by Izmir with 26 deputies.Istanbul is divided into three constituencies and Ankara and Izmir are divided into two constituencies.The Northern province of Bayburt, which had one deputy in the previous election, will elect two deputies to parliament in June.Eastern provinces Elazığ and Muş, central province Kütahya, western province Manisa and northern province Ordu will each elect one less deputy in June.The list of deputy distribution to constituencies in accordance with the recent population data is as follows:Adana 14, Adıyaman 5, Afyonkarahisar 5, Ağrı 4, Amasya 3, Ankara 32, Antalya 14, Artvin 2, Aydın 7, Balıkesir 8, Bilecik 2, Bingöl 3, Bitlis 3, Bolu 3, Burdur 3, Bursa 18, Çanakkale 4, Çankırı 2, Çorum 4, Denizli 7, Diyarbakır 11, Edirne 3, Elazığ 4, Erzincan 2, Erzurum 6, Eskişehir 6, Gaziantep 12, Giresun 4, Gümüşhane 2, Hakkari 3, Hatay 10, Isparta 4, Mersin 11, İstanbul 88, İzmir 26, Kars 3, Kastamonu 3, Kayseri 9, Kırklareli 3, Kırşehir 2, Kocaeli 11, Konya 14, Kütahya 4, Malatya 6, Manisa 9, Kahramanmaraş 8, Mardin 6, Muğla 6, Muş 3, Nevşehir 3, Niğde 3, Ordu 5, Rize 3, Sakarya 7, Samsun 9, Siirt 3, Sinop 2, Sivas 5, Tekirdağ 6, Tokat 5, Trabzon 6, Tunceli 2, Şanlıurfa 12, Uşak 3, Van 8, Yozgat 4, Zonguldak 5, Aksaray 3, Bayburt 2, Karaman 2, Kırıkkale 3, Batman 4, Şırnak 4, Bartın 2, Ardahan 2, Iğdır 2, Yalova 2, Karabük 2, Kilis 2, Osmaniye 4, Düzce 3