AK Party lays out reasons for vote loss in comprehensive report

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has determined the reasons behind its loss of votes in the June 24 parliamentary elections, detailing them in a comprehensive report so as to correct the mistakes ahead of the March 2019 local elections.

According to Turkish media reports, the AK Party completed its first comprehensive report that analyzes the reasons behind its loss of a considerable amount of votes in the June 24 parliamentary elections in comparison to the Nov. 1, 2015 elections.

By analyzing the results, the AK Party sought to have a broader picture of the elections. The party's provincial heads, deputy candidates and mayors reported to the party headquarters to help with the analysis. Approximately 2,000 reports were gathered and the final analysis was submitted to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The final report will also shed light on the policy to be developed towards the local elections. The analysis has identified the party's local administration as the most important factor affecting voters' tendencies of not choosing the AK Party in the last elections.

Citizens were reportedly not content with the local administrations. The mayors were not sufficiently interested in the public. Promises were not fulfilled. Problems were not resolved quickly.

Citizens, as a warning in the election, voted for President Erdoğan in the presidential elections, but not for the AK Party in the parliamentary elections. In some places, there was a problem with the deputy candidate. For example, the nomination of a few people from a province led other large districts to react and turn to other parties. The fact that some of the lobbies implemented their plot on exchange rates before the election affected a part of voting tendencies.

President Erdoğan, delivering a victory speech on June 24, acknowledged that the AK Party was given a clear message by the citizens. It received 42.6 percent of the vote and won 295 seats in the Parliament. The results marked a 7 percent drop in the AK Party's votes compared to the last general elections.

Apart from the analysis of the June 24 elections to help perform better in the local elections, the AK Party seeks to appeal to women and young people. The president reportedly instructed the party to work specifically on women and young voter profiles. The AK Party Women's Branches will present the results of poll studies and female voter profiles to Erdoğan next week. The women's branches are also investigating the causes of the loss of votes in the June 24 elections and why people shifted from the AK Party to other parties.

A questionnaire handed out to the heads of women's branches in 81 provinces included questions like "What do you think was missing in the campaign," "Can you compare the positive and negative aspects of the campaign," "Most common questions you were asked by voters" and "Why do you think the AK Party lost votes?"