Wind energy contributes to current deficit

Wind energy plants will produce electricity for a month longer this year than in 2013. The total energy produced by wind energy plants as of the end of November has already exceeded the total energy amount produced last year according to the data from the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry and the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company.The electricity produced by the wind energy plants contributes to the decline of Turkey's energy imports, and thus the current account deficit. Electricity produced by wind energy plants is expected to result in $1 billion less in natural gas imports.Currently, there are incentives provided for the production of electricity through renewable resources, and wind energy plants are paying $7.3/kilowatt/hour. The installed power of the wind energy plants is to be increased to 20,000 megawatts by 2023.The benefits of investments made in local and renewable energy resources finally outweigh the investment costs, and particularly taking into account the commissioning of current projects, energy produced by wind plants is constantly on the rise.The installed capacity for wind energy was very insignificant, around 18.9 megawatts in 2002; yet, current installed power capacity of wind energy has reached 3,550.4 megawatts. While the total energy production of wind plants was 7,558 gigawatt/hour in 2013, this figure reached 7,566 gigawatt/hour at the end of November this year.