Gazprom's judicial process with 5 companies still ongoing

According to a statement by Russian energy giant Gazprom, the judicial process with five different companies, including Petroleum Pipeline Corporation of Turkey (BOTAŞ) and Shell as well as Denmark's DONG Naturgas, regarding the revision of the natural gas prices are still ongoing.While the statement does not indicate anything about the outcome of the ongoing arbitration procedure, it said the trial related to DONG Naturgas will be held in October or November.The statement also highlights the trial related to the ongoing judicial process with Shell will take place in February 2018, and the necessary steps have been taken regarding the judicial process with Ukrainian Naftogaz and Turkmen Turkmengaz for the natural gas debts. BOTAŞ announced last year that the arbitration procedure for the revision of the natural gas prices purchased from Russia went into effect as of Dec. 29, 2014.