Wind power to flow across Turkey with $1 billion investment

As Turkey continues to take concrete steps to expand its use of renewable energy resources, decrease its external dependency on energy and realize its goal of ascending to the league of energy-exporting countries, a series of pre-licensing tenders for wind power plants, which took place across Turkey, were concluded yesterday. A $1 billion investment will be made for a total of 710 megawatt in capacity in 11 regions. Moreover, the first wind power plants are to be put into action within three years.Ahead of the tender, which will take place next month as part of the Wind Power Renewable Energy Resource Areas (YEKA) project, the pre-licensing contracting process for wind power plants, for which the companies' applications were made in 2015, officially completed yesterday. It was also reported that countries such as the U.S., China, Germany and Denmark also showed interest in the projects. Moreover, 1.2 million households will be powered by wind, which is expected to be put into action in 2023.

The wind power plant capacity competition regarding the license applications taken on April 23-30, 2015, had their start in Ankara on Wednesday. On the first day of the applications, 31 projects competed for 80 megawatts of capacity in the Kayseri-Niğde region, 16 projects competed for 120 megawatts in the Adana region, 16 projects for 60 megawatts in the Kırıkkale-Çankırı region and 19 projects competed for 60 megawatts in the Aksaray-Kırşehir-Nevşehir region.

Moreover, in the Kayseri-Niğde region, a 65 megawatts out of total 80-megawatt capacity was allocated to Enerjisa Enerji Üretim AŞ, which offered $2.90 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), while 15 megawatts were allocated to Esengüç Enerji Yatırım AŞ at a price of minus $0.01 per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

In the Adana region, a 60 megawatts were allocated to Akdeniz RES Enerji Yatırım Üretim ve Ticaret AŞ, which submitted an offer of $4.74 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Furthermore, 32 megawatts of capacity, 23.4 megawatts of capacity and 4.6 megawatts of capacity were allocated to CGN Enerji Tekstil Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret ($4.78 per kilowatt-hour (kWh)), Atasa Enerji İnşaat Taahhüt Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ ($5 per kilowatt-hour (kWh)) and Günyeli RES Enerji Yatırım Üretim ve Ticaret AŞ ($5.12 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), respectively.

In the Ankara-Kırıkkale-Çankırı region, 40 megawatts were allocated to Jüpiterges Elektrik Üretim, which submitted an offer of $4.19 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), while 20 megawatts of capacity at a price of $4.18 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) was allocated to Simge Res Enerji Yatırım.

In the Aksaray-Kırşehir-Nevşehir region, 60 megawatts were allocated to Holding AŞ at a price of minus $1.15 per kilowatt-hour kWh.


Turkish Wind Energy Association (TÜREB) Chairman Mustafa Serdar Ataseven said the companies that had their applications accepted will be able put into practice the investments after the pre-license, license and construction permit process, which will last about three years. He also stressed that the goal of more domestic and more renewable energy should not be forgotten in order to make the investment more beneficial to Turkey. Moreover, bidding proposals for a series of wind power plants that will be built in seven regions across Turkey will be taken on July 22 to July 27. The plants will have an installed capacity of 1,000 megawatts to 1,700 megawatts.