Russia plans casino boom in Crimea

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented a draft law to create a gambling zone in Crimea. By law casinos are restricted to four special areas in Russia, all a long way from Moscow. Now Crimea will become the fifth area, under Russian President Putin's plan. So far only Azov City, a coastal area east of Crimea, has opened casinos.Russian President has announced ambitious plans to develop the Crimean economy. It will be up to the new authorities in Crimea to decide the location and extent of the planned casino zone.The new Crimean leaders loyal to Putin do not have international recognition. In 2009 Russia decided to ban casinos from Moscow, where they proliferated after the collapse of communism. At the time Mr Putin said it was necessary to halt the growth of gambling addictions in Russia.Crimea's many military staff and pensioners rely on payments from the state.In a separate move on Monday, Russian President Putin signed legal amendments to make it simpler for Russian speakers in the former Soviet Union to acquire Russian citizenship.

Embracing Crimean Tatars

Mr Putin also signed a decree on Monday to rehabilitate Crimea's Muslim Tatars and other ethnic minorities who suffered during the rule of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.The 300,000-strong Tatar community - which makes up 15% of Crimea's population - opposed the peninsula's incorporation into Russia last month. In a televised statement, Mr Putin said "I have signed a decree to rehabilitate Crimean Tatars in Crimea, its Armenian population, Germans, Greeks - all those who suffered during Stalin's repressions".He said the decree would lead to economic development measures, though he did not specify what help for ethnic minorities was envisaged.Stalin accused the Tatars of collaborating with Nazi Germany during World War Two and deported them en masse to Central Asia and Siberia in 1944. Many did not survive.