Far-right Dutch politician shares video advocating extermination of Muslims with atomic bomb

Willie Dille, a former MP for the far-right xenophobic Party for Freedom (PVV) and currently a councilor of the Netherlands' seat of government The Hague, shared a video on her Twitter account advocating the extermination of Muslims with an atomic bomb.According to the article of the Turkish – Dutch news and blog website dutchturks.nl, the video posted on Facebook and shared by Dille on her account was viewed 17,000 times before it was removed. However, the page posting the video, titled "De Schenestamper" and containing various racist and Islamophobic posts, complained in a message that the video was removed and the page was shut down for 24 hours, and gave a link to a Youtube video containing the same video Dille shared. Dille was not the only PVV member who seemed to like and approve the video, as Karen Gerbrands and Elias Van Hees, respectively the chairman and vice-chairman of the Freedom Party in The Hague, retweeted Dilletarget="_blank"'>Around five percent of the population comprises of Muslims in the Netherlands, while nearly eight percent of the population has ethnic backgrounds from countries where Muslims make up the majority of the population, such as Turkey, Morocco and Indonesia. In The Hague, where Dille occupies the post of councilor, around 16 percent identify themselves as Muslims, while only 48 percent of the city's population has a Dutch background ethnically.