Muslim woman harassed for wearing burqa in Vienna

At a Vienna metro station, two women aged 41 and 26 harassed a young Muslim girl on the grounds that she had violated the burqa ban law, effective October 1, Austrian media reported Friday.

Police were called to the scene as confrontation became physical.

Police spokesman Daniel Fürst said in a statement to the press that the covered woman did not resist the police and uncovered her face for identification.

The police kept record of the woman, however, as her refusal to comply with the law resulted in a public argument.

According to the new law, those who do not comply with the burqa ban can be taken to police stations for identification. Those who refuse to uncover their faces could be fined up to 150 euros ($168).

The ban was drafted by Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Minister Sebastian Kurz and approved by parliament in May.

The outlawing of the burqa or other clothing concealing the face follows similar moves in other European Union countries, starting with France in 2011.