Worries over migrants edge Trump as Germans' greatest fear, survey shows
People attend an election rally of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Koenigs Wusterhausen, eastern Germany, Aug. 30, 2019. (AFP Photo)

The refugee crisis and U.S. President Donald Trump's policies are the biggest fears of Germans, a recent survey published Thursday showed.

The survey by insurance company R+V Versicherung found that 56% of Germans were worried that the refugee crisis would overwhelm the country.

Respondents were also worried over possible social tensions with immigrants and arrival of criminals among refugees.

Trump's policies were named as the top fear factor by 55% of those surveyed in the annual study, as they expressed believes the U.S. president's actions make the world a more dangerous place.

Fear of terrorism among Germans fell to 44% this year, down from 59% in 2018, and 71% in 2017.

Last year, Trump was named the greatest source of German angst as 69% said his policies concerned them.