Seminar delves into the Turkish-Greek population exchange

The Turkish Cultural Foundation (TCF) will hold the panel, Mübadele: Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece, as a part of its lecture series. Professor Evangelina Balta from the National Hellenic Research Foundation will talk about the "Cultural Aspects of the Livelihoods of the Exchanged Greek Refugees." Her research interest revolves around subjects related to the social history during the Ottoman period and Karamanlides philology. The panel will continue with İpek Özel, a lecturer in the Department of Communications of Istanbul Bilgi University. She will present a paper titled "The Eternal longing for Roots: The Culture and Traditions of Turkish-Cretan and Greek Immigrants after the Exchange." Born into a Cretan immigrant family, Özel conducts research on Cretan traditions and culture. When: March 19Where: TCF Istanbul Office