Art-filled week for Italian film lovers in Ankara

The 6th Contemporary Italian Film Week, held in collaboration with Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of International Collaboration, kicked off in Ankara with an inauguration ceremony overseen by Çankaya Municipality Deputy Mayor Nafiz Kaya and Italy's ambassador in Ankara Luigi Mattiolo. Held at Çankaya Contemporary Arts Center, the event began with the screening of Italian director Edoardo Winspeare's "In grazia di Dio" (Quiet Bliss). Following the screening Mattiolo said this year's film selection will present a variety of examples from Italian cinema. Mattilo also said that the themes of the films that will be screened as a part of the event will enable the audience to observe the changes in Italy's social fabric in the last couples of years closer. Also speaking at the opening ceremony, Kaya said: "Çankaya Municipality has always been supporting the arts and artist." Films at the sixth edition of the Contemporary Italian Film Week will include comedy film "La Sedia della Felicita" (The Chair of Happiness), "Tutti i santi giorni" (Every Single Day), "L'ultima ruota del carro" (The Fifth Wheel), "La variabile umana" (The Human Factor), "Buongiorno papa" (Good Morning Daddy), "Noi Credevamo" (We Believed) and "Stai lontana da me" (Stay Away from Me).When: Until Nov. 15Where: Çankaya Contemporary Arts Center, Ankara