Instrumental band takes over Cappadox

The music band Esmerine, which stands out for Anatolian folk rhythms and minimal style, will take the stage at Cappadox Festival. Esmerine was founded by Bruce Cawdron from Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Rebecca Foon from Thee Silver Mt. Zion in 200 in Montreal. Following their 2003 debut album "If Only a Sweet Surrender to the Nights to Come Be True," they released "Aurora" in 2005 and "Lhasa de Sela" in 2011. In 2010, Jamie Thompson and Brian Sanderson joined Cawdron and Foon and released their next album with a Turkish title "Dalmak" (Diving). "Dalmak" was a project blending Turkish folk music with classical Western tones along with punk rock, bebop, electronic, Appalachian, Armenian and Anatolian music. The album, in which various instruments such as cello, marimba, drums, saz, darbuka, tambourine, violin, trumpet and electro guitar, also featured Hakan Vreskala, Baran Aşık, Ali Kazım Akdağ and James Hakan Dedeoğlu. Cawdon, one of the founders of Esmerine, says that live music is always more dynamic than recording and songs can be considered as organic creatures since they can breathe.When: May 19Where: Cappadox, Nevşehir