New production of Othello comes to Turkish stage

A new production of the tragedy "Othello" from the esteemed William Shakespeare will be staged by director Emre Tandoğan and actors from Küçük Salon on Sept. 17. The one act play is set in Cyprus, where Venetian officers and Cypriots await the arrival of the Moor Othello, the governor from Venice, whose ship is battling a violent storm. The storm subsides and Othello lands to the joy of the crowd, although Iago and Roderigo do not share the general happiness. Iago is bitter because Othello has named Cassio as his lieutenant instead of Iago; and Roderigo is unhappy because he is in love with Desdemona, Othello's wife. Iago is already plotting his revenge, and when Cassio appears, Iago and Roderigo get him drunk and provoke a duel with Montano. Othello, summoned by the brawling, dismisses Cassio from his service. Desdemona arrives, and when all have gone, she and Othello declare their love. Given its varied and enduring themes of racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, revenge and repentance, Othello is often performed in professional and community theaters, and has been the source for numerous operatic, film, and literary adaptations.When: Sept. 17Where: Küçük Salon, Istanbul