Opera-ballet costumes on display

The "Opera-Ballet Costume Exhibition" hosted by the Kadıköy Municipality Süreyya Opera House will be open to visit until June 6. The exhibition, which took place in collaboration with the Istanbul State Opera and Ballet Directorate, includes original costumes, pictures and drawings that costume designers created for various opera and ballet performances as well as original clothes, hats, hoods, wigs and shoes prepared for different opera and ballet performances.In the exhibition, where you can see pictures of clothes and accessories that are designed for staged opera and ballet performances, you can find information regarding which object belongs to which date and which work, and the names of the costume designers are written under each object. The exhibition, which offers a documentary presentation of the history of opera and ballet costumes, is also said to be the first example on the subject of this feature.When: Until June 6Where: Süreyya Opera House