Micro sculptures open to visit in Eskişehir

Displaying 20 of the world's smallest art works, the "Micro Sculptures" exhibition by Necati Korkmaz, one of three micro sculptors in the world, is open to visitors in Eskişehir until June 1.

The exhibition, which can be visited at the Anadolu University Turkish World Science, Arts and Cultural Center, features spectacular works by the artist, such as the smallest Quran in the world. Other displays include the 99 names of Allah engraved on a fig seed, an acrobat figure engraved on a strand of hair, a chess set worked on a pin's head, an "anti-nuclear meeting" made of gems and fleas, and "Istanbul on the pen nib" worked on a pencil's nib.

When: Until June 1

Where: Turkish World Science, Arts and Cultural Center