Tax exemption for design activities

The Design Strategy Certificate and Action Plan for 2014-2016 issued by the Science, Industry and Technology Ministry, under the coordination of the Turkish Patent Institute, was published in the Official Gazette yesterday. A total of 34 activity areas have been compiled under five targets with tax exemptions suggested for design activities in the plan. According to the plan, which aims to promote and market "Turkish Design" identity, the details of the tax exemption to be offered for design activities will not be determined until the end of 2015 and a related draft law will be issued. The real target of the strategy certificate has been determined as "creating and protecting high quality designs with added value, ensuring that Turkish designers are capable of competing with the world and improving the administrative, legal and technical infrastructure for promoting 'Turkish Design' identity." The plan emphasized the possibilities for creativity due to Turkey's young population and human resources and the history and cultural richness of Turkey along with various problems with education.