Snap a photo, foodie startup tells how many calories you eat

Many people probably wonder how many calories they get from a main course and some even dedicate themselves to look at the calorie charts of products every time they go shopping. AVA is a new messaging-based service that provides an easy way to keep track of food and meal choices and receive personalized recommendations for future meals."Our solution provides a more sensible way for people to enjoy a healthier relationship with food through personalized meal programs, dedicated nutritional coaching and a technology that makes it very easy to track and monitor what you're eating," the AVA team says on its website.Users all have to submit a photo and they receive how many calories they are eating and can consult nutrition coaches.AVA offers a variety of programs to help users achieve their nutritional goals. Aside from the service's co-founder and CEO Ian Brady, a Turkish researcher, Mustafa İhsan Ecemiş, is among the managing team, leading engineering and software development for the service. The team includes some of the best talent in nutrition science, technology and behavioral coaching along with top-tier investors from Silicon Valley to redesign how people make everyday food decisions.