Turkey's mobile food orders double those in Europe

Conducted in Europe, the U.S. and Australia, the Mobile Banking 2016 survey by ING Bank found that clothes shopping leads mobile purchases in Europe and Turkey. On the other side, a great deal of mobile purchases in the U.S. are for music.The survey, which interviewed roughly 15,000 participants, shows mobile purchases across Europe over the last 12 months have been dominated by clothing purchases at 43 percent, electronics at 37 percent and gaming at 23 percent. Although the mobile purchase list for Turkey shows similarities with the one in Europe with clothing shopping topping the list at 63 percent and electronics following at 49 percent, food orders claimed third place at 41 percent, showing that people in Turkey order food online twice as much as Europeans at 19 percent.The survey also found a slight difference in the number of female and male shoppers. While 64 percent of women prefer online shopping, 69 percent of men do their shopping online. The ratio of the age groups of people who shopped online using their mobile devices in the last 12 months was 86 percent for the 18 to 24 age group, 85 percent for the 25 to 34 age group, 72 percent for the 35 to 44 age group, 62 percent for the 45 to 54 age group and 43 percent for those aged 55 and above.According to the survey, almost half of European consumers use mobile banking and 16 percent of mobile device users across Europe say they will be banking by smartphone within 12 months. It also found that 66 percent of mobile device owners in Europe have shopped using these channels in the last 12 months. The ratio of people who began using mobile banking starting from 2015 and who think positively about it is 74 percent, while 76 percent of people who began using mobile banking starting from 2014 think positively about the experience. The ratio is 89 percent and 90 percent in Turkey, respectively.